Rwanda Economy – GDP

Overview of Rwanda's GDP

Rwanda’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been steadily growing, propelled by government-led initiatives aimed at economic diversification, infrastructure development, and sectoral expansion. The country’s GDP growth rates have often surpassed the regional average for Sub-Saharan Africa, reflecting its commitment to sustainable development. Key contributors to Rwanda’s GDP include agriculture, services, and industry, with efforts to boost sectors like tourism and information technology. The government’s emphasis on economic transformation, innovation, and regional integration has played a pivotal role in shaping Rwanda’s evolving economic landscape. For the most up-to-date information on Rwanda’s GDP and economic indicators, it is recommended to consult recent economic reports or official sources provided by relevant institutions.

Major Contributors to Rwanda's GDP


Agriculture remains a crucial part of Rwanda’s economy, providing employment for a large portion of the population. The country is known for its cash crops such as coffee and tea, which contribute significantly to export earnings. Efforts are being made to modernize agriculture, improve productivity, and ensure food security.

Information Technology & Telecommunications

Rwanda has made strides in embracing technology and innovation as part of its economic development strategy. The government has implemented programs to promote ICT infrastructure, digital literacy, and e-governance. Initiatives like the Kigali Innovation City aim to position Rwanda as a technology hub in the region.


Rwanda’s tourism sector has gained attention, particularly due to its efforts in gorilla conservation. Gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park has become a major attraction, drawing international tourists. The government’s commitment to sustainable tourism has contributed to the sector’s growth.

Infrastructure Development

Rwanda has invested significantly in infrastructure development, including roads, energy, and public transportation. The improvement in infrastructure is aimed at reducing the cost of doing business, enhancing connectivity, and supporting economic activities.